We’ve detailed below some of the frequently asked questions we are asked about YourHR.space. If you question is not answered, give us a call or drop us an email.

You can choose the version that’s right for you. A ‘Lite’ portal if you have just a few employees, or you are just starting out, ‘Wellbeing’ if you are looking to promote wellbeing or ‘Professional’ to cover everything you need.

A summary of what content is available on each version can be found here.

A more detailed breakdown of the Wellbeing portal content can be found here.

The Professional version of YourHR.space includes bespoke content written for you by our HR experts and tailored specifically for your business. We will have a meeting with you (normally over video conferencing) and ask you questions about how you work, your rules and codes of conduct etc. We will also review any existing documentation you have in place (e.g., an employee handbook).

The reality is that if you were to print your handbook and give everyone a copy, not only would it cost a lot of money (and trees), but it will also probably be out of date as soon as it’s printed because HR and employment law changes. Relying on out-of-date HR information can cause all sorts of problems.

If you have your handbook on a shared drive, it may be more cost effective, but you still have to make sure its updated when there are changes to HR and employment law AND communicate these changes to employees.

With YourHR.space, we do all this for you. We draft the initial content and then when things change, we update the portal in real time AND communicate the changes to all users. You don’t need to do a thing!

Not as part of the standard set-up cost, but it is an additional option. We can redraft contracts of employment and help you with implementing new contracts across your organisation if this is required. This may include changing terms of employment. Please get in touch for more details.

We will update the portal when there are changes in employment law / legislation that affects your content. For example, if there was a change to maternity leave, we would update the maternity policy accordingly. We update this in real time, which means it will be updated the same day that any new legislation becomes law.

We will also recommend other updates that may be relevant due to changes in social trends but are not required by law. For example, we recently introduced a home working policy for those organisations who now have people working from home.

Recommended changes are optional, and you are asked if you want these to be included on your portal.

That’s great and you can continue to work with your HR provider. We can give them access to YourHR.space so that they can refer to any content when providing advice to you. They may even want to become a YourHR.space partner so that more of their clients can benefit from YourHR.space.

YourHR.space would definitely save them time. Looking after documentation can be time-consuming especially if they are having to keep up to date with the latest changes, update policies and documents and communicate changes to everyone. Instead, YourHR.space can do all this for them, giving them more time to focus on other areas of their job role.

Yes. You can set up different departments and/or locations and allocate different managers to each area. Managers can view calendars to see who else is off before authorising holidays.